Back in the early part of the last century (early 1900’s) my grandfather created a self-portrait that has mesmerized me for my entire life. It was a photograph of him wheeling himself around in a wheelbarrow, which was quite a feat for wet-process photography. I tried this stunt but found that I didn’t have the patience to pull it off. Actually, I may have had the patience, but I ran out of time because my darkroom was in the bathroom and I couldn’t tie up the bathroom too long.
Today, this is a pretty easy thing to do in Photoshop using the photo-merge function. Just mount your camera on a tripod, making sure it is perfectly level. Take a photograph of one side and then the other, making sure there is some degree of overlap in the middle. Use Photo-merge, one of the automated functions, to seamlessly merge the photographs together. Here is what you get!
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